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Women’s Hormonal Health: Project Nutrition

The beauty of a flower represented to connect with Women's Hormonal Health

Introducing Ebony Crameri of @hormone.nutrition

We have posted multiple times about the link between the gut and skin health. As nurses diet is only something that we can comment generally on, recognising where diet and lifestyle modification may play a role. Specific dietary advice should only be followed in line with those trained to give it. Enter Ebony!

Aligned with our own philosophy, Ebony says ‘Every woman is unique which is why taking an individualised & holistic approach to nutrition is so important’.

Who is Ebony and What is Project Nutrition?

Ebony is an online, accredited, practising dietician and nutritionist based in Newcastle, and the founder of Project Nutrition. With a keen interest in women’s hormonal health and health conditions including polycystic ovarian syndrome and chronic pelvic pain, Ebony has helped hundreds of women to regulate their menstrual cycles & optimise diets for fertility, general health and menopause.

She started Project Nutrition to take overwhelm, blame and confusion out of the equation in PCOS and fertility nutrition. She works with time-poor women to help them manage their PCOS symptoms, improve their fertility and increase their chances of IVF success, using evidenced-based, personalised nutrition guidance. 

Drawing on more than 12 years of clinical experience, she developed a comprehensive online nutrition coaching programs and services, where women feel seen, heard and supported.

Why We Recommend Ebony to Our Clients Who Are in Need of Women’s Hormonal Health

We have specifically sought out Ebony’s services because, like Ebony, we believe in a holistic approach to health; and that the skin and the external body generally, are reflective of internal wellbeing. We take no commissions or kickbacks from recommending Ebony’s services, the relationship is purely based on a desire to deliver results and support a responsible approach to aesthetics.

If you wish to engage Ebony’s services we recommend checking out her very informative social media sites: @hormone.nutrition and website

Ebony accepts health funds and you may also be eligible for her services via the support of a GP care plan (check with your friendly doctor)

If you would like us to provide further information, please book a FREE consultation or contact us if you have any questions.