Orenda Women's Health was founded by Jacinta Barbagallo, a nutritionist and women's health educator. Like many of our patients, Jacinta struggled for 15 years with psoriasis and amenorrhea (absence of a period). The only solutions offered to her were topical steroid and the pill.
In an effort to take her health and wellness into her own hands, Jacinta started to look into the role of lifestyle and diet and how these influence skin and general wellbeing. From this, Orenda was founded. Orenda is a collaboration of nutritionists and natropaths offering a holistic and functional approach to skin
To give the guidance and support you need to understand your body and so you feel as if your are in control; and to answer:
1. What is going on?
2. Why is the happening?
3. How do I get to the bottom of it?
Have you heard of the heirarchy of repair for treating a skin condition?
when it comes to creating long lasting results with skin.
It begins with step 1.
Gut health and optimising nutritional intake is the first step in addressing skin health. Our skin requires essential fatty acids (Omega 3), vitamin A, zinc, iron, B12, folate, calcium and so many more nutrients to function effectively - if your gut health is affected, so could be your nutritional absorption and your skin health
Detoxification is the root of addressing any skin related conditions as the skin is one of the body's largest organs of detoxification (.e. through sweat). Optimising skin health, requires optimal elimination pathways and support for liver function, gut health, urinary excretion and lymphatics.
Addressing blood sugar regulation is crucial for skin conditions - such as acne driven by hormones, psoriasis driven by metabolic functions, peri-oral dermatitis driven by inflammation... the list goes on. Your blood sugar is largely controlled by your dietary composition, movement, sleep routine, stress levels and genetics.
contact Orenda Women's Health at
(and let them know you are an
Aescend Aesthetics patient)
$ 447 (TOTAL VALUE OVER $ 2,000)
Developed by Orenda Women's Health this 6 week online program provides weekly education and skin loving meal plans designed to support you on your acne journey and help you heal from the inside out. Learn about blood sugar, inflammation, food sensitivities and inflammatory foods driving your acne while getting tips on how to manage your daily habits to support your skin from within. Access over 80 recipes and hours worth of educational content related to acne.
$ 280 - 320
For more tailored advice or those seeking assistance with skin conditions other than acne, and initial and return consultation provides 90 minutes of intensive assessment. Leave with a customised prescription, referrals for further testing/investigations and a tailored plan regarding your diet and lifestyle.