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A cosmetic clinic based on the South Coast of New South Wales. Offering minimally invasive cosmetic procedures and treatments with the aim to promote in our patients, inner peace through outer harmony. 

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aescend aesthetics

How much lip filler should I get?

lip filler, how much lip filler, amount of lip filler

As we advise with all cosmetic treatment, the decision of where to treat and how much treatment to have should always be driven by the individual, their goals and what their idea of beauty is.
For this reason, you will notice we don’t advertise anti-wrinkle and filler ‘packages’. This is because we feel that such promotions encourage a ‘one-size-fits-all’ approach that entices patients into over or under treatment, focusing on economic use of mls and units, versus an individualised approach that considers the patient, their wants and anatomy.
We are frequently asked ‘how much lip filler should I get?’. And while we appreciate that some people are genuinely seeking a professional opinion, there are others that truely believe there is a standard to which they should conform. In answering we try to rephrase the question in the context of the patient’s aims and features. Many patients are only looking for a subtle enhancement or for correction of minor assymmetries, which in many cases may be achieved with half a ml. On other to correct the same or add subtle volume, more may be required. This will be determined by age, the condition of the area around the mouth, the action of muscles that effect mouth movement and expression, the patient’s other facial features, whether the patient has already had filler, and what their natural volume, shape and proportions are (to name a few).

If you still are curious about how much filler you should get, check out WHAT QUESTIONS SHOULD I ASK PRIOR TO LIP FILLER? or feel free to book with us to get a free consultation.