Could dairy be effecting your skin?

The literature continues to mount regarding the link between dairy and acne, and in particular it would seem that those in the pre-teen – mid 30s are most influenced.

Several theories exist as to the causal link, though they all centre around the effects of hormones and hormone-like substances within milk.

If you suffer from acne and are considering dairy alternatives, do so under the guidance of a health care professional and consider the following:

  • cow’s milk is a good source of calcium, vitamin D and vitamin A though it is not necessary to drink milk/eat dairy solely to obtain these nutrients. Though you should choose your alternatives wisely, looking for fortified options, or supplement as recommended

  • ensure you are still getting adequate protein. A general recommendation is 3g per 100ml. Most likely almond, rice, coconut and oat milks will not provide sufficient dietary protein and thus require additional sources from the diet

  • seek low sugar – many plant milks are sweetened for palatability, which is likely to counter many of the anti-acne effects of making the switch. Look for ‘unsweetened’ varieties

  • avoid brands with lots of emulsifiers and thickeners e.g. xanthin, guar gum and soy lecithin which can be inflammatory for many people

  • have fun! have different milks for different days and use different milks in different ways – I made that little rhyme up just now, but I like the premise! I love almond milk in my coffee, a splash of coconut milk in my smoothies and cold soy based flavoured milk for a good ol chug from the bottle. As with your wider diet variety and moderation are always key 😉

Give it a thought, or chat to an Aescend artisan today for more information and/or referral.

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