solace treatments

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A cosmetic clinic based on the South Coast of New South Wales. Offering minimally invasive cosmetic procedures and treatments with the aim to promote in our patients, inner peace through outer harmony. 

about aescend

aescend aesthetics


Hx: Patient presented with concerns of diffuse hair thinning and shedding, mainly through the front third and at the temples. The patient had no significant medical history, was young, fit and active, though had a family trend of premature hair loss. He was concurrently working with an Integrative Health GP to optimise gut function and actively reduce stress/anxiety. 

Tx: A comprehensive consultation identified multiple additional opportunities for intervention. We recommended sleeping with a silk pillowcase to reduce hair shedding, topical growth agents and hair care products, as well as general dietary changes to reduce inflammation and promote a healthy hormone balance. In the end the patient predominately focused on clinic treatment, commencing with a regime of Platelet Rich Plasma (PRP) injections into the front third of the scalp, temples and hairline. This was interspaced with fortnightly warm oil scalp massage and red light therapy over a total of 3 sessions. The photos here are taken 3 months after this initial course of treatments, after which the patient decided to commence another course of treatments for the crown of the scalp.