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A cosmetic clinic based on the South Coast of New South Wales. Offering minimally invasive cosmetic procedures and treatments with the aim to promote in our patients, inner peace through outer harmony. 

about aescend

aescend aesthetics


Hx: Patient presented complaining of unwanted abdominal adiposity and generalised physical dissatisfaction. Throughout life patient had maintained a stable body weight with regular activity and diet. With the onset of menopause patient found that she had additional abdominal adiposity that was unresponsive to diet and exercise. Patient also reported cold intolerance, eyebrow thinning, poklioderma to the neck/chest, generalised fatigue, bowel dysfunction and recently diagnosed osteopenia (reduced bone density).

Tx: Patient was extensively consulted, and her symptoms discussed. We recommended that she consult her GP about the possibility of thyroid dysfunction, and we commenced cryolipolysis to the lower abdomen, flanks, bra roll and upper arms. Throughout treatment patient was assessed by her GP who found that her thyroid levels were consistently normal, despite ongoing symptoms of dysfunction. Upon visiting her endocrinologist for review of her osteopenia, she was commenced on thyroxine to support an under active thyroid. Despite having routinely normal thyroid levels, the fluctuating pattern of those levels indicated to the hormone specialist that there was in fact an underlying degree of thyroid dysfunction. Had the patient not been undergoing treatment with the endocrinologist for bone density, she would likely still not be being optimally managed.