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A cosmetic clinic based on the South Coast of New South Wales. Offering minimally invasive cosmetic procedures and treatments with the aim to promote in our patients, inner peace through outer harmony. 

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Vitamin G

The elusive vitamin G.

Whats is it? Vitamin G represents the act of ‘grounding’. The idea may be a bit abstract but if anything, it is a lovely approach to life and living. A scientific explanation for an intrinsically human tendency to reconnect with the world around them during times of stress. So…

Radical oxygen species (ROS) generated through aerobic respiration and the acidic nature of proteins which largely comprise the human body give us a net Positive charge. Conversely, the earth is negatively charged, full of free electrons.

Constant exposure to wifi, electronic devices, radio waves and unearthed homes may cause us to loose electrons and exacerbate the net positivity of our state. Thus the process of ‘grounding’ or coming into contact with the earth again may help to neutralise the damaging potential of ROS and repolarise our bodies… in a sense making us harmonious again.

Suggested methods of grounding are:

  • walking barefoot on the ground or sand

  • swimming in the ocean and/or lakes

  • gardening with bare hands

  • lying on the earth

  • wearing leather soled shoes

Whereas avoiding rubber/plastic soled shoes, sleeping on beds elevated off the ground, working/living in high buildings and/or exposure to microwaves, wifi, radio waves, electronic devices, cell towers etc may propagate a less grounded state and thereby contribute to chronic inflammation, fatigue, pain and poor sleep.

So as I write this and you read it on your cell device… are we both thinking we should maybe go and run barefoot through the daisies and hug a tree?

I am down, and I reckon I’d feel instantly better for it @aacds_australia

Feel like you need a little self-care? Book online with an Aescend artisan below.

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