For those of us with a dependency nothing brings the same morning comfort as a fragrant, warm brew. For me it’s immediately after rolling out of bed. The morning ritual is coffee machine straight on and warming!
Though for some reason we all feel the pressure to ‘cut back’ and reduce our coffee intake, and in some cases that is probably warranted. But interestingly, in 2016 the World Health Organisation actually lifted coffee from their list of potentially carcinogenic foods and in fact endorsed this celebrated beverage as potentially protective against uterine and liver cancer. Furthermore in 2015 the US Dietary Guidelines Committee listed consumption of 3-5 cups per day as possible for a healthy diet.
I, like most of us thought that coffee consumption was bad – stressful on the cardiovascular system, a cortisol stimulator that can cause sleep deprivation and propensity to insulin resistance; acidic, and harsh on the stomach and teeth; a dehydrator that results in excessive urination; and clearly able to effect the brain evidenced by the intense grumpiness and headaches experienced by anyone trying to wean.
However after a chat with our friendly dietician @hormone.nutrition during which I guiltily admitted to my coffee habit, I was surprised when in the setting of my Oestrogen Dominance symptoms, I was not discouraged against my vice! Praise be!
And so began my research. What I found in support of coffee consumption was:
Of course I am NOT saying that coffee alone will stop your risk of cancer (though one early study does indicate there is some capacity for this), I am just saying you can probably avoid the self-flagellation you may endure each time you enjoy your morning cuppa joe.
As with all things though, moderation is key, and tips for healthy coffee consumption include:
And thanks to Ebony @hormone.nutrition for her staggering expertise
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