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A cosmetic clinic based on the South Coast of New South Wales. Offering minimally invasive cosmetic procedures and treatments with the aim to promote in our patients, inner peace through outer harmony. 

about aescend

aescend aesthetics


Over the past century, cosmetic treatments have become increasingly popular, with people seeking to enhance their appearance for various reasons. From the early days of makeup and rudimentary procedures to today’s advanced technologies and minimally invasive techniques, the aims of cosmetic treatment have evolved significantly. Societal norms, cultural influences, and advancements in technology have shaped the desires of people seeking to improve their physical appearance. Our aim at Aescend is to enhance naturally. Let’s look into what age you should look into which types of treatments.

IN OUR 20s

During the first few decades of life we are still generating collagen, skin generally maintains good volume and elasticity, and we are yet to really see many of the cumulative effects of intrinsic/extrinsic ageing.

Thus most cosmetic treatments in our 20s is prophylactic – as in, it is performed in an effort to slow the ageing process. Frequently we are aiming to:

  1. prevent the formation of lines i.e. with anti-wrinkle
  2. prevent sun damage and oxidative stress through diet, lifestyle and sun protection
  3. maintain hydration and promote good skin health

Additionally, treatment in our 20s (or beyond) might also aim to correct asymmetries/irregularities, enhance, or add definition to particular features.

IN OUR 30s

During our 30s age-related changes start to become noticeable. There is some minor collagen and volume loss, the skin might starts to become dull and pigmented, visible blood vessels can develop and lines move from being dynamic to more static.

Cosmetic treatments at this time is about developing good habits, and a routine that will set you up for the future. We start to:

  1. replenish and support collagen as much as possible
  2. perform minor corrections
  3. treat the signs of photoageing – pigmentation, redness, fine lines
  4. ‘prejuvenate’ – i.e. treatments that thicken thinning tissue, tighten skin with early signs of sagging, aggressively treat lines that are starting to deepen

IN OUR 40s – 50s

By our 40s ageing has started to become more apparent. This marks the time at which skin is noticeably thinning in the delicate areas (i.e. under the eyes), sun damage may have progressed to the development of precancerous lesions, bone resorption is starting causing deepening of the nasolabial area and brow sagging, and the fat pads are beginning to migrate towards the jawline causing heaviness and jowling. Our metabolism has also usually significantly changed.

Cosmetic aims at this time are:

  1. softening and supporting the ageing process in a way that is seamless and natural-looking
  2. revolumising areas that have lost contour or deepened due to ageing
  3. restoring lost elasticity of skin
  4. redefining the jawline
  5. surveillance of potentially cancerous lesions *noting some require this prior to their 40s


In our 50s ageing is starting to become more advanced. The skin is no longer effectively producing collagen, existing collagen has been destroyed through sun and environmental exposure, lines are mostly static, the skin looses elasticity and thins – becoming textured, dry and less capable of repair, and menopause causes significant changes to the fat pads on the face.

Here we are turning back the clock while aiming to still keep everything looking natural. It can be tempting to chase every line and lift every sagging bit of tissue back into its more youthful position, however as one of the inevitabilities of life this can be a mistake. Ageing is beautiful and cosmetic treatment should support this not eradicate it.

Make sure you visit a clinician who understands ageing at every decade and the importance of keeping it seamless.